Just Once
Olivia Lui (301161447)
Over the recent years, I have noticed the rising conversation about drug usage and the simplicity in attaining them. Although deeply rooted in the education system, children are taught to avoid substances, however there still seems to be a large group of people that use and abuse drugs.
Inspired by Saul Bass’ work on “The Man with the Golden Arm” the project embodies a crippled arm, suggesting to the participant to take the light sensor, resembling some kind of illicit substance. The slow, calm pacing of the tri-colored LED tempts the user's exteroceptive and interoceptive senses and suggests that the situation is fine and that "nothing bad could happen.". But once reached over to the substance, the light sensor, the LED would throb an uncomfortable red warning the participant that they have made a wrong decision.
initially, Arduino was programmed just to fade a green LED
Final wiring arrangement of Just Once
Just Once

Just Once

One's point of view towards substances.
